Malik Asfand Yar

Client Background:

Our client, Malik Asfand Yar, a prominent Realtor in Canada, faced the challenge of establishing a unique brand identity and improving their online presence in a highly competitive real estate market. With a commitment to personalised service, the client aimed to convey trustworthiness and expertise to stand out among competitors.



The client’s existing brand lacked distinction, and their outdated website hindered effective property showcases. The challenge lay in creating a brand that resonated with reliability and modern professionalism while addressing the need for an engaging website that catered to a diverse, tech-savvy audience.



Our approach began with a comprehensive brand analysis, resulting in a modern logo, cohesive colour palette, and typography that reflected the client’s personality. The website underwent a redesign, prioritising user-friendly navigation and responsive design. High-quality visuals and immersive property descriptions showcased the client’s portfolio effectively. Strategic content creation and a blog section positioned the client as an expert in the real estate landscape, fostering trust and engagement.

This transformation resulted in a distinctive brand presence, an engaging online platform, and increased leads, highlighting the impactful outcomes of a strategic branding and web design initiative in the competitive real estate sector.


